Effects Of Haze On Environment

Such irritation resolves on its own in most cases.
Effects of haze on environment. While the economic and health impacts of the haze are apparent and definitely can be deadly the marine atmospheric and ecological effects of the haze must be addressed as well for the earth functions in a circuit where every environmental system is inter linked. 2 the condition is largely caused by the burning of large tracts of forested land in indonesia. Continuous exposure to unhealthy daily average psi levels over a period of a few days to high levels of haze particles may cause irritation of the eyes nose and throat in healthy individuals. For more than two decades the effects of forest fires in indonesia have resulted in a cloud of unbreathable air descending upon our cities.
Industrial pollution can result in dense haze which is known as smog. The haze has long term side effects. But how exactly haze affects a habitat becomes less clear the larger the scope and normal ecological studies on ecosystem wide scales are notoriously complex enough. Haze particles can give rise to acute symptoms such as cough wheezing shortness of breath and a feeling of tiredness and weakness.
1 haze pollution affects several southeast asian countries on a regular basis notably indonesia malaysia singapore and brunei and to a lesser extent thailand vietnam and the philippines. The effect of haze is aggravated in people with pre existing heart or lung disorders. When weather conditions block the dispersal of smoke and other pollutants they concentrate and form a usually low hanging shroud that impairs visibility and may become a respiratory health threat. Environmental impacts of haze pollution.
What is the health effect of haze. It has tocooperate with the indonesian authorities to stamp out forest fires. Prolonged inhalation of polluted air willresult in serious lung infection which particularly affects the elderly the government must play its role to reduce the haze treat. Short term effects of haze among healthy individuals short term exposure i e.
The health effects of haze are dependent on an individual s health status e g whether one has pre existing chronic heart or lung disease the psi level and the duration and intensity of outdoor activity. Among healthy individuals short term exposure i e. It can also adversely affect the efficiency of air conditioning systems. Continuous exposure to unhealthy daily average psi levels over a period of a few days to high levels of haze particles may cause irritation of the eyes nose and throat.
Huang writes that the carbon based particles in the haze could dissolve into rainwater and lead to acid rain which could fatally affect plant functions and damage entire ecosystems. The acrid smoke not only contains dust and smoke particles but sulphur dioxide nitrogen dioxide ozone carbon monoxide and particulate matter. Haze we called it.